Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Neck-ed Truth

My first exposure
to the danger of vampires
came at a very impressionable age.
I was staying overnight
with my grandparents.

My cousin and I were watching
a vampire movie
hosted by a man who claimed
that the only known protection
against vampires was
garlic, a crucifix, or mosquito repellent!

Since Granny didn’t have any garlic, or 
a crucifix to wear around my neck,
I applied a copious amount of
anti-vampire spray on my neck
before going to bed.
She played along with my fears.
For good measure
I dispersed mosquito spray
throughout the bedroom.
The last thing I remembered was gripping the blanket and pulling it close to my young chin, wishing I had an easy-to-be-seen crucifix to rest on my chest.

When morning broke
I rushed to the mirror
to see if I had been bitten.
To my relief,
there were no marks on my neck.
It really worked!

After telling my mother
about my experience
at the farm the night before,
I was informed that
vampires don’t exist.

Ever since then
I saved my repellent spray
for mosquitoes,
and that is
the neck-ed truth.